*DISCLAIMER: This blog is 100% truth except for the parts I made up

Monday, June 6, 2011

My own planets and stars are glowing

So I saw the sunset last night and I was like "Wow! Does it always do that?"  Does it always turn all golden and sparkly when it sinks below the trees?  Has it always peeked over the mountains and shone on the lake like that?  Has it always been that beautiful?  And then I went on a walk and I was like "Wow!  Does it always feel like this in June?"  Has it always been all warm and lovely on summer nights?  Has it always been that beautiful.  And then when it got dark I saw the stars and I was like "Wow!  Do they always look like that?"  Do they always glitter like that?  Have they always looked like diamonds?  Have they always been so beautiful?

Well, you know what?  I think they have.

It's a pretty good thing that My Self and I are friends now.

Love and kisses,


Madison said...

Isn't that the greatest feeling in the world? Yeah I feel as though I am a little kid discovering things like that.
"Look! Grass is green!"
See what I mean?

KrisLohner said...

I love you! That is all...

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Ha ha. YES! It's always been like that. I didn't notice either, until I moved back.

You must be in love. Am I right? Or am I right?

Brynnie said...

Oooh, in love? Please say that what your Auntie says is true! It'd be so romantic to be in love... in the summer time. Agreed?

Dani said...

Yes, Brynn, I suppose it would be romantic to be in love. Pat on back, pat on back, pat on back...